Monday, February 11, 2013

Silly 2013 rant

It's 2013 and...yeah, been a while ^^; Since it's one of my new year resolution to post blog (wow?) so here I am again :) It's February, and what I want to talk about is....Valentine's day! Yay! -__-

No, I'm not gonna say Valentine's day is rubbish, or Valentine's day is one of that day that you could get laid -_- I'm not someone who would celebrate Valentine's day, but I don't hate it either. In fact, it's just another day in February (just like a lot of people would think it is, duh)

What amazes me is the people who hated/against it. Yeah, living in Muslim country as a Christian, you will feel a bit (or a lot) offended when there's people saying 'Don't celebrate Valentine's day! It's a Christian celebration, and we are damned for celebrating it!' and stuff like that. I'm a Christian, but do I go to church on Valentine's day? NO! In fact, there's no mass for Valentine's day -__- How in any way, Valentine's day is a Christian celebration???

Yeah, I know the origin of Valentine's day. Saint Valentine (lo and behold, a Christian) had been prisoned because he let the soldiers get married (since the guy who rule at that time said soldiers can't get married, it will make them weak! Silly dude). And blah blah blah about something else he did, but in the end Saint Valentine was prosecuted. And lo and behold, the Valentine's day was born, as a day to celebrate the love fought by Saint Valentine till his death. (Yeah, I read them off Wikipedia. Heard another version, but I forgot about it)

So yeah anyway, Roman Catholic, as far as I'm concern, does not celebrate that day, or make it one of the main stuff to celebrate every year. And if I see this correctly, the Valentine's day celebration now had diverged far from what it originally is. It isn't about lovers, or getting laid, or getting a date, or getting a boyfriend/girlfriend, or getting lots of red things that symbolizes love, it's about CHOCOLATE! Eh no. Just kidding.

It's about reminding us that everyone deserved to be loved. Let it be friends, family, enemy, etc etc. Not the kind of love you share between two lovers (if that's what you think love is, you have serious problem kiddo -_-) At least, that's what Valentine's day mean to me. Not those presents. It's the love itself.

"4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."

-1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (New International Version)

No, I do not hate those who had made those statements that disgrace Christians. May God forgive them, and forgive me too for whatever wrong I did to them. (I can SO live in Canada like this c:) Peace out :)